Intern Work

1. Intern at IIT Patna

2. Intern at Atom Space

3. Intern at Simulation Lab

 Internship at IIT Patna

Project Title: Indigineous Technology Development for Green Hydrogen Production.

Project Description: During the summer of 2024, from May 17th to July 17th, I completed a two-month research internship at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Patna. My research focused on the development of indigenous technology for the widespread deployment of green hydrogen and its derivatives, aiming for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This project involved in-depth study and experimentation with sustainable energy solutions, addressing both technical and economic challenges. The goal was to create viable and scalable technologies that could facilitate the transition to cleaner energy sources, contributing to environmental sustainability and energy security.

Project Result

Green Hydrogen Production by AWE

Technology to produce Hydrogen Gas by Alkaline Water Electrolysis.

Hydrogen Production Percentage by Different Methods

Alkaline Water Electrolysis Process

Material List to Perform in Laboratory

Meet The Team 

Aakash Aaryan

BTech Student
Department of Mechanical
IIT Guwahati

 Somnath Sarangi

Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical
IIT Patna

Subrata Kumar

Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical
IIT Patna

Sujoy Samanta

Associate Professor
Department of Chemical
IIT Patna

Internship at Atom-Space

Project Title: Analyze and Develope a Small Satellite Thermal Model.

Project Description: During my summer internship at Atom Space, a startup company, I focused on the thermal design, thermal analysis, and thermal control of small satellites. My responsibilities included developing thermal models to predict temperature distributions and identifying potential thermal issues. I conducted simulations to analyze the thermal performance under various operational conditions and designed thermal control systems to ensure optimal satellite functionality. My work contributed to improving the reliability and efficiency of the satellite's thermal management system, which is critical for its performance in space.

Project Result

1. Thermal Analysis of Object inside Cubesat

Input Data Taken

Prototype of Object Inside Cubesat

Temperature Result of Object

Temeprature Result of Cubesat

Temperature of object under different Insulator Material

Graph of Temperature vs Different Insulator Material

Graph of Avg. Temp. Vs Different Insulator Material

2. Heat Transfer Model due to Battery Heat Generation  

Sectional View Cubesat With Batteries

Prototype of Cubesat With Battries

2-D Diagram of Cubesat System

Meet The Team

Aakash Aaryan

BTech Student
Department of Mechanical
IIT Guwahati

Naman Kumar Sethy

Project Manager
Research Assistant
IISC Bangalore

Internship at Simulation Lab®

Project Title: Battery Thermal Management System (BTMS) for EVs.

Project Description: During my summer internship at Simulation Lab Company, I focused on the Battery Thermal Management System (BTMS) for Electric Vehicles (EVs). My responsibilities included designing and optimizing thermal management solutions to ensure efficient temperature regulation of EV batteries. I performed simulations to analyze the thermal behavior of the battery pack under various conditions and developed strategies to mitigate thermal issues. My work aimed to enhance battery performance, extend battery life, and improve overall vehicle safety and efficiency through effective thermal management.

Project Result

Battery Thermal Managment System For EV

Battery Pack Arrangment

Battery Arrangment System Prototype

Temperature Contour

Velocity Contour

Heat Gain @ 30 deg.

Heat Loss @ 30 deg.

Heating Performance @ 30 deg.

Cooling Performance @ 30 deg.

Meet The Team

Aakash Aaryan

BTech Student
Department of Mechanical
IIT Guwahati

Kapil Raj

Project Manager
Thermal Engineer
Simulation Lab

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